Free guided tours of Vodnjan: historical and cultural tours

Free guided tours of Vodnjan: discover historical and cultural beauty with local guides in four languages

The Vodnjan Tourist Board organizes free guided tours of the city in four languages. Learn all about history, culture, and gastronomy through interesting tours every Tuesday and Thursday during July and August.

Free guided tours of Vodnjan: discover historical and cultural beauty with local guides in four languages
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

The Tourist Board of Vodnjan in 2024 is once again organizing free city tours in collaboration with local guides. These guided tours are intended for all visitors, tourists, and interested individuals. The initiative is focused on promoting the natural, historical, cultural, and gastronomic specialties of Vodnjan. The tours are organized in four languages, and the first tour of this year starts on Tuesday, July 2nd and will continue throughout July and August every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 10:00 AM.

Tour Starting Point
The tour begins in front of the Tourist Board office of Vodnjan at Narodni trg 10. Free professional guidance with a licensed guide is organized in English, Italian, Croatian, and German. Participants will learn why the locals of Vodnjan are called Bumbari, what is hidden in the largest church in Istria, how kazuns were built, where the narrowest street in Istria is located, why Vodnjan olive oil is among the most prized in the world, where the Inquisition held sessions, and much more during an interesting walk through the town.

Tour Details
The tour lasts about an hour and a half, after which visitors can continue exploring on their own. They can visit places for wine, olive oil, cheese, or prosciutto tastings, or head to restaurants, oil mills, and olive groves, as well as nearby sites such as the medieval Guran, St. Foška, kazuns, or the settlements of Galižana, Peroj, Barbariga, and others.

Virtual Reality
During the tour, participants will be able to use augmented reality to virtually see the former castle on the main square, kazun, meet famous residents of Vodnjan who lived and created in Vodnjan, and see selected items found at the Dragonera site.

Project Goals
This initiative aims to acquaint tourists from all over the Vodnjan area and beyond with the town of Vodnjan, provide them with additional content, and promote the culture, customs, and traditions of Vodnjan in a different way.

Czas utworzenia: 27 czerwca, 2024
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