Tribute show to Michael Jackson delights Poreč

A unique tribute show for Michael Jackson delighted the locals: a spectacular performance in Freedom Square

An unforgettable tribute show dedicated to Michael Jackson was held on Liberty Square in Poreč. Roy Paladini and his Jackson One project brought an incredible stage experience with superb musical and visual effects, giving audiences an authentic and emotional performance in honor of the King of Pop.

A unique tribute show for Michael Jackson delighted the locals: a spectacular performance in Freedom Square
Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

As part of the Poreč Summer, two days ago at the crowded Freedom Square in Poreč, a spectacular show JACKSON ONE: Tribute Michael Jackson was held, bringing the music and visual effects of the King of Pop back to the stage. This project surpasses ordinary tribute bands, paying homage to the icon who permanently marked the history of modern music.

The frontman of the group, Roy Paladini, an exceptional showman and versatile artist with rich European experience as an impersonator, delighted the audience with his outstanding performance. Paladini, last year's winner of the mega-popular TV show "Tali e quali" on the Italian national television RAI 1, showcased incredible talent on stage.

The entire show was carefully designed to evoke the emotions and magic of Michael Jackson. The music, choreography, and special effects were top-notch, creating an unforgettable experience for all present. The Poreč audience enjoyed professional dancers and an extraordinary band, who, together with Roy Paladini, created an atmosphere full of energy and excitement. The concert was a true homage to the King of Pop and his rich musical legacy.

Programs for all tastes and ages within the Poreč Summer continue throughout the week. On Thursday, July 25th, at 9 AM, the second historical walk through Poreč with the "La mula de Parenzo Tour" is scheduled.

Friday, July 26th, brings another unforgettable movie experience under the stars as part of the "Visions of the Streets" program, and this week's screening is the film "Back to Black," which introduces us to the unique art and life of Amy Winehouse. Also on Friday, in the historic building of the Euphrasian Basilica, a concert by HÅKON AUSTBØ (piano) will be held as part of the classical music festival "Concerts in the Euphrasian" produced by the Poreč Public Open University.

As part of the Poreč Summer and the "Sounds of the Streets Music" program, Poreč will host an extraordinary concert by the world-famous Kraak & Smaak Soundsystem on Saturday, July 27th. These Dutch artists are known for their unique blend of Nu Disco, Funk, and Electronic music. The concert will take place in front of the Istrian Parliament at 9 PM.

In addition to the mentioned events, visitors can enjoy many other cultural, musical, and entertainment activities that the Poreč Summer offers. The program is designed to satisfy diverse tastes and interests of the audience.

The program schedule is available on the Poreč Tourist Board website

Czas utworzenia: 25 lipca, 2024
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